Sunday, 2 January 2022

What is mulching and what is it for?

Mulching or mulching is a new technique that is being implemented more frequently in the soils or gardens of homes or plantations. It consists of covering the ground with hay made up of different materials that give your plants more vitality. But what else does it offer us? Read on to find out.

The benefits of padding

Less risk: Mulching is a technique that improves work on the ground. Generally, in the areas of land that are uncovered, the plants perspire causing the evaporation of the water from the soil, this natural mulch combats this process. How? Acting like a sponge that absorbs rainwater, and keeps the soil cool and adequately moist in the summer.

Fewer weeds: By using mulching, you not only make your garden look much better, but you also eliminate the proliferation of weeds caused by excess light.

Avoid the phenomenon of dulling: An aspect that becomes very common in some gardens is that, specifically the limestone and clay soils, they tend to compact and when it rains heavily they end up creating a crusty formation on the entire surface.

A more fertile soil: Studies have also shown that those who use the mulching technique have achieved better results when planting. With mulching, the moment of decomposition causes the humus cover to enrich the soil with the grafts that are needed to grow large and strong plants.

Supports the life of your soil: Mulching also works as a layer of protection against damaging temperatures and humidity, which can kill your plants. With this technique, you will get the surface of your soil to develop the pertinent microbes for an efficient release of nutrients with respect to the growth of vegetables.

Less fiery crops: If you are one of those who have among your crops, climbing plants such as melons, strawberries, or cucumbers, then they will grow more efficiently since they will not touch the ground, but the mulching.

Reduces the risk of diseases: Finally, among its most outstanding benefits is the reduction of diseases, by allowing the creation of a protective physical screen that fulfills its function especially in the rainy season, which is when diseases appear more frequently. you may also be interested in brush clearing

How to ensure that mulching works?

Now that you know all the benefits that it can bring, it is necessary that you consider some points before getting it, in order to guarantee that it remains in your garden or plantation.

Please do not place it at a time when it is very windy.

After adding, lay down at least 2 to 3 centimeters of the mantle each year to avoid losing the entire padding, which wears out over time due to different conditions.

Do not cover the frozen ground with the blanket.

Before laying, pour enough water on the floor, and after laying, carry out the process again.

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