Friday 27 March 2020

5 foods to avoid before driving

Driving the car requires 1350 kcal per day, here are the foods to prefer and what to avoid before traveling with the expert's advice

Eating immeasurably before driving is as dangerous as leaving on an empty stomach. But not everyone knows that being behind the wheel for several hours equally requires energy as well as rest: between 1000 and 1350 kcal per day. To avoid overloading the digestive system and sleep shots behind the wheel, some caloric foods but also carbohydrates and acidic vegetables should be avoided. Here is the expert's advice on what to eat before and during the trip.


Much depends on the daily habits at the table, for this reason, it is important to know that if you get behind the wheel, the ideal is not to swallow over 2500 kcal or even just with a coffee. " You should never get behind the wheel on an empty stomach because you can suffer from low blood sugar and dizziness ", explains Dr. Mari Carmen López of the SEAT medical center - " In addition, hunger pangs decrease the capacity of attention while the mind is on other things ". On the contrary, large meals cause drowsiness, abdominal pain, heartburn and gas, all symptoms that alter the ability to concentrate. After lunch, for example, attention has been shown to decrease by 10%. " Make frequent stops, eat small quantities and, after the main meal, walk for 15 minutes or take a nap to clear your mind ". But what is best avoided when driving for several hours? seven kings minicab


The foods to avoid are fried, batter-fried, spicy and sauces that can compromise safe driving. At the wheel, it is also better to avoid rice, beans, and pasta. Since driving is an activity that does not require significant calorie intake, it is best not to eat too many carbohydrates because they cause bloating. In addition, they digest easily and make you feel hungry again. Eating too many sour fruits, onions and tomatoes, even if they are healthy, causes acid indigestion, so it is best to avoid them if you drive for a full day. The energy drinks while driving are absolutely inadvisable.


Over 2 coffees or teas are likely to become nervous, but then the thing is always subjective. Hydrating yourself by drinking water, fruit juice and some soft drinks allows you to stay more concentrated behind the wheel. Before setting off, it also matters what you put on your stomach. Some ideas for staying light are provided by Dr. López with advice on the preferred foods before and during the trip.

- Two slices of toasted bread with ham or cheese

- Piece of fruit

- Coffee or tea


- Vegetarian sandwich and water


- Salad

- Grilled or roasted meat or fish

- Fruit

- Water and coffee or tea

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