Sunday, 12 July 2020

How to save a PNG with a clipping path

I want to save a PNG on a white background with an active clipping path.
Whenever I open the file again, the clipping path has disappeared.
Any suggestions? These files MUST be PNGs.

These are requirements that the customer places on me. They require that all submitted images are PNGs with an active clipping path saved on a solid white background (no transparency).
I suspect someone who doesn't know what they're talking about has made these demands. I wanted to be absolutely sure that this is impossible before I go to them and look like an idiot.


You may want to provide background information on why you need a PNG file and why you need an active clipping path. This would help us give you a more specific answer to your problem.


Which program do you use?

Billy Kerr

Clipping paths or layers in the PNG file format is not supported. I'm sorry.


Question: PNGs support alpha channel based transparency - what is the use case for an image masking service with a PNG and in which software? In almost every scenario I can imagine, this transparency channel should not only be appropriate but preferable because you are already working with a PNG that is a raster image and the fact that you can achieve a wide range of transparency values ​​in the raster The alpha channel appears to be more appropriate than using a vector clipping path. Can you give us a context here?


The right software is probably Fireworks @GerardFalla. However, no other software can read or write it, only Fireworks. Nothing prevents me from adding random data to the PNG stream, but then it is not a standard and may or may not be supported by other software.

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